Outdoor Activities at Nirwana Gardens

March 27, 2018 Hijab Traveller 29 Comments

Nirwana Garden Resorts is an integrated tourism area located at Lagoi. The land area of ​​330 hectares and filled with lush tropical plants. Beautiful white sand beach with a bluish green water hue looks very tempting and can attract the visitors to immediately plunge and swim. It is suitable for family recreation or just away from the noise of the city.

There are six properties of Nirwana Resort, including Nirwana Resort Hotel, Mayang Sari Beach Resort, Nirwana Beach Club, Banyu Biru Villa, Grand Lagoi Hotel and Indra Maya Villa. Nirwana Resort becomes a haven for the glamorous seafarers with privacy as their top priority.  There are various game options that guests can try, both indoor and outdoor activities.

Ninebot Tour
On 4 March 2018 Me and my friend try some activities at Nirwana Resorts. For the first we choose to playing ninebot. It so much fun activity to trying the ninebot. We will take a leisurely pace while enjoying the scenic beauty of the resort. The best thing I like is when we walked around the white sand beach with blue sea.

But before trying this game, we are required to wear safety equipment and listen to the instructor's directions on ninebot operations, how to start and stop. You just have to set foot on segway. When balanced, just adjust your body weight to move. Lean forward to start, backward to reduce speed. Move the handle to the right and left sides to turn.
Ninebot Tour

Elephant Tour
This activity is also quite fun. I have never touched the body of a very big elephant before, hehe. But on that day, I'm not only hold a part of body of elephant, but I also sit on elephant lap. How does it feel? Uuuuuuuu, I'm very nervous guys.

When I was child I just can see this extreme activity from a distance while thinking, how does it feel? sitting on the air freely like a bird. And you wanna know what i'm feeling? I'm excited and really enjoyed beautiful scenery of Lagoi Beach. We will wear safety first, sitting on the back of the boat and then pulled by rope and boat. Then, we flying yeah.
 Parasailing Nirwana Resort
 Calypso Floating Bar

After playing long enough with the heat of the sun, we immediately rinsed and cleaned up and then proceeded to Calypso Floating Bar. One of my favorite places in Nirwana Gardens. The Calypso Floating Bar is a Caribbean-style bar with a Rastafarian influence. Opening hours are open from 4.00pm-10.30am with capacity 30 people. Visitors can enjoy the calm atmosphere with soft breeze while enjoying the beauty of the sunset with a refreshing drink.

The sun was gone, the night has come. Before you going to sleep your stomach needs to be filled to stay energized after a day of activity right? so we enjoyed dinner at pool side restaurant. During the dinner, guests will be entertained with traditional and modern dance. Me and my friend so enjoyed with the atmosphere. So I'd like to say to Nirwana Resort. Thanks for this super cool holiday.

Nirwana Gardens
Jalan Panglima Pantar
Sebong Lagoi Kabupaten Bintan
Telp: +62 770692505 Fax : +62 770692550
Email : reservation@nirwanagardens.com


Bintan Lagoon Resort is Perfect Place to Escape from the Tedious Routines of Work

March 19, 2018 Hijab Traveller 32 Comments

If you wanna run away from tedious routine of work and need a quiet atmosphere with a white sand beach stretching blend the calming blue sea, come to Bintan Lagoon Resort. There's a private beach with some outdoor activities. But first, let me tell you about Bintan Lagoon Resort. This resort is located within the integrated tourist area of Lagoi. Inside there are various resorts, hotels, family recreation places, beaches, educational rides, etc.

Lagoi area becomes the main destination for tourists who desperately need a holiday as well as away from the noise of the big city. For the beach lovers, guaranteed you all will be spend much time in the island of Bintan. The reason is almost the beach in this area with fine white sand with sea water graded tosca and blue. Bintan Lagoon Resort also has direct ferry terminal from Tanah Merah, Singapore.
Bintan Lagoon Resort has 470 rooms, including Villa Angsoka with private pool, Villa Cempaka and Villa Buganvil. There's a large swimming pool facing the sea with beautiful scenary, a children's pool located not far from the main pool. In addition Bintan Lagoon Resort also has 19 lakes. Bintan Lagoon Resort also has a tennis court, two world-class golf courses, 50 air and ground activities, gym, billiards, spa, and kids club.


All room at Bintan Lagoon Resort has a balcony. The room is equipped with a flat-screen TV, air conditioning, fan, safe, minibar, kettle, wardrobe, mosquito lotion, extra bed with four bolsters for relaxation and ironing. For the bathroom part is also very complete, there is a bathtub, hair dryer, shaving kit, sewing equipment and other standard toiletries. 
Swimming Pool 
The Main pool at Bintan Lagoon Resort has blue bright color, decorated with towering palm trees around the pool and others greeny plants. On side of the pool are also available many chairs to relax. This pool also has small bridge, it gives sweet impression design of this pool. 
Main pool at Bintan lagoon Resort
Love Hill
The hill is natural, filled with green grass around it with several stone mounds. In addition, there is a ladder that adds to the sweetness of this hill, it feels like you're now in New Zealand. Up the stairs and on the top of the hill brings your dreams flying in a one place, its like you're not in Bintan Island.
Love hill at Bintan Lagoon Resort
Leisure Centre
Leisure Center has several facilities that guests can enjoy. On the ground floor there are various game rentals such as ninebot, bike, paintball paddle boat, archery and canoe. There's a fitness center, kids corner and some games like table tennis, soccer table and billiard. Second floor has KTV Lounge and Kedaton Tropical SPA. Kedaton Tropical SPA serve body scrub, body, mask, body bath, facial treatment, massage and others. Leisure Center is open every day from 9 am to 5 pm.
Leisure Centre Bintan Lagoon Resort.
Table soccer at Leisure Centre Bintan Lagoon Resort.
Kedaton Spa at Bintan Lagoon Resort

ATV Activity
The game area is located on Pasir Panjang Beach with a coastline about 1.5 hectares. Before trying this game, we are required to wear safety equipment and listen to the instructor's directions how to operate the ATV (All Terrain Vehicle). We'll take time around 30 minutes entering the forest area until we finally get out of the forest and through the beach.

Pasir Panjang Beach Bintan lagoon Resort

Fiesta Restaurant
This restaurant provide Asian, Japanese, Indian and Western dishes. Visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of blue sea, beauty of the pool, green grass and wind blowing. There's a lot of food and varied. This restaurant also features live music performances. Schedule of Fiesta Restaurant is divided into three divisions, Breakfast: 6:30 am - 10:00 am | Lunch: 12: 00noon - 3:00 pm | Dinner: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm.
Fiesta Restaurant

Bintan Lagoon Resort
Jalan Indera Segara Site A12
Lagoi, Teluk Sebong
Bintan, Kepri - Indonesia
Telp : +62 770 691388 / +65 62233223
Fax  : +62 770 691300
Email  : reservations@bintanlagoon.com


Edu Hostel Jogja - Penginapan Murah Seharga 70rb Rupiah Per Malam

March 13, 2018 Hijab Traveller 39 Comments

Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta emang seperti namanya. Selalu istimewa bagi orang orang tempatan dan wisatawan yang datang dari luar daerah. Selain budaya Jawa yang masih kental, tata bahasa yang lemah lembut, wisata kulinernya yang ramah di kantong. Tentunya Jogja memiliki keunikan tersendiri di mata para pengunjung yang datang ke daerah tersebut.

Mengunjungi Jogja rasanya tak pernah cukup jika hanya dijalani dalam dua atau tiga hari. Pastinya butuh waktu lebih lama untuk explore wisata dan kulinernya. And this is it. Ini adalah kali pertama gue jalan-jalan sendiri ke Jogja. Sebagai seorang pemburu wisata dengan budget terbatas dan rentang stay di satu kota yang cukup lama, tentunya gue akan memilih penginapan yang sesuai untuk kantong.

Hostel Murah
Pilihan gue jatuh pada Edu Hostel Jogja, kamarnya gue pesen online dari aplikasi. Letaknya di tengah kota dan tidak terlalu jauh dengan ikon kota Yogyakarta yaitu Tugu 0 Kilometer yang ada di Jalan Malioboro. Selain letaknya di tengah kota, hostel satu ini menawarkan penginapan murah guys, per malam hanya sekitar 70rban udah include sama sarapan. Murah banget kan?
Wall rooftop Edu Hostel
Area lobi terkesan santai dengan beberapa bed yang disusun berjajar, bagi para solo traveler yang datang terlalu pagi, bisa bersantai sambal rebahan sembari menunggu waktu check in tiba. Atau jika terlalu bosan, pengunjung bisa memanfaatkan beberapa PC yang bisa digunakan para tamu untuk berselancar menggunakan internet.

Di antara lobi terdapat dua tempat untuk bersantai. Di sebelah kanan para tamu bisa bersantai sambil main game dan nonton TV. Sedangkan area sebelah kiri disediakan meja dan kursi untuk sekedar ngobrol santai. Kamar tidur terdiri dari Male in 6 bed dormitory di lantai 3, Female in 6 bed dormitory di lantai 2 dan Quadruple Room yang bisa ditempati oleh maksimal empat orang, terletak di lantai 4. Sedangkan lantai 5 adalah tempat sarapan dan bersantai. 
Female 6 Bedroom Edu Hostel

Fasilitas Hostel
Dengan harga segitu, fasilitasnya apa aja sih? Okay gue kasi tau. Ruang tidur sudah dilengkapi dengan AC, shampo dan sabun melimpah ruah, tersedia keran air panas dan terdapat locker untuk tempat penyimpanan barang, tapi kalian harus membawa gembok tersendiri ya guys. Selain itu, di lantai 5 juga terdapat kolam renang yang memanjang. Emang ga dalam sih, tapi cukuplah buat berendam dan menghibur diri.

Edu Hostel ga cuma nawarin penginapan hemat guys, tapi di lantai 5 terdapat beberapa spot foto yang bisa dijadikan bahan untuk postingan Instagram. Viewnya menghadap Gunung Merapi dan dari rooftop kalian bisa menyaksikan senja yang Indah. Jika kalian ga sempet berfoto di Tugu Jogja, jangan sedih. Edu hostel punya replica tugu Jogja guys.

Lalu apa lagi sih yang asik dari Edu Hostel? Yaaaa, rasanya kayak lagi di rumah sendiri. Sarapannya walau sederhana tapi rasanya enak. Setiap hari tersedia nasi dengan berbagai menu lauk berbeda. kalau ga biasa makan nasi saat pagi hari, kalian juga bisa minta diganti dengan roti. Sarapan tersedia dari jam 6.30 sampai jam 9.30 wib.
Sarapan di Edu Hostel
Udah, segitu aja? yaaaa, nggak dong. Edu Hostel menyediakan rental sepeda. Terrrruuuus, kalau kalian kehabisan stok pakaian bersih, bisa laundry disebelah kiri hostel. Yang kilat harganya 10rb siap keesokan hari. Yang biasa harganya 6rb siapnya 3 hari. lalu pasa ga ada agenda jalan-jalan perut kalian terasa kriuk-kriuk, tinggal nyebrang ke depan hostel, ada yang jual makanan murah. Nasi Kucing, ayam goring, tiga buah gorengan dengan segelas kopi harganya cuma 10rb guys. pokoknya gue seneng banget deh nginap di Edu Hostel.

Liburan sendiri sekarang tidaklah menyeramkan seperti dulu, semua serba mudah. Mau pergi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain tinggal pesan online, seperti pesan hotel, tiket mudik, pulsa, pembayaran paket data, bayar listrik, BPJS, semua deeeh, tinggal klik dan beres tanpa repot keluar rumah. Jual beli online makin mudah, maaaakin menyenangkan.
Tugu Jogja rame? tenang, kalian bisa foto di sini dengan view Gunung Merapi.

Salam hangat, penutupnya sunset dari rooftop Edu Hostel


Grand Lagoi Hotel By Nirwana Gardens Review

March 08, 2018 Hijab Traveller 16 Comments

Who doesn't know Lagoi. An enchanting tourist area, located on Bintan, Riau Islands Province. Inside there are many international resorts and hotels. Lagoi area is well known by foreign tourists. No wonder if you traveling to Lagoi, you will meet many foreign tourists there.

One of the classy hotels in the Lagoi area is the Grand Lagoi Hotel. It located between the favorite areas for tourists: Lagoi Bay Beach and Lagoi Bay Lake, which is the second largest lake in the Lagoi area after Reservoir Park. Lagoi Bay Lake will also be one of the locations passed by the athletes who became participants of Bintan Triathlon 2018.

Nirwana Gardens has an area 330 hectares. Grand Lagoi Hotel is a part property owned by Nirwana Gardens.  Me and my friends chose to stay at Grand Lagoi Hotel because this hotel has strategic location with beautiful scenery. From this hotel you can see swimming pool, lake and sea in one location and of course the facilities offered also very complete.
Infinite Pool Grand Lagoi HotelView from rooftop
How to Reach Grand Lagoi Hotel
From Batam you can use the Ro-Ro boat which the term is roll on roll off, this ship can be piloted from the front and rear. Travel time about one hour from Batam, then drive about 30 minutes to reach Grand Lagoi Hotel. From Tanjungpinang you can drive about 45 minutes.

From Singapore it only takes about 55 minutes by ferry to Bandar Bentan Telani (BBT), Grand Lagoi Hotel also provide free shuttle bus for guest. If you from Batam and need rent car at Tanjung Uban, you can contact this number 0853 5689 1768. Grand Lagoi Hotel buildings viewed from above shaped number seven meanings lucky.
Plaza Lagoi
Grand lagoi Hotel totally have 132 marvellously design guest rooms with balcony in each room.  There's 102 deluxe room with 37sqm and 30 Grand Deluxe room with 47sqm at Grand lagoi Hotel. The room is equipped with a flat screen TV, air conditioning, safety box, minibar, kettle, wardrobe and one sofa for relaxing time.
Grand Deluxe Room
Facility and Activities
The area of ​​the hotel is practically complete, as it comes with entertainment center, money changer, smoking area, ATM BRI, boutique, kids corner, fitness studio, and there's one Infinite Pool and Kids Pool at rooftop of Grand Lagoi Hotel with beautiful scenery at 7 floor. 
Infinite Pool
Kids Pool
Games and Entertainment Centre. This room provide many activities like a table soccer, playstation, billiard and mini theater, beside that guest also can orders popcorn, drink or cotton candy with additional charge.
Grand Lagoi Hotel provide rental bycyle. Visitors can surround lagoi bay lake using bycyle.
Lagoi Bay Lake

Restaurant and Café
In Grand Lagoi Hotel there are two restaurant. The first is the Village Cafe & Resto which is on the 2nd floor commonly used for breakfast guests. Then the second is Bar 7 Rooftop Dining located at Rooftop with Indoor and Outdoor options. Outdoor area at this restaurant has a charming view overlooking Lagoi Bay sea and Lagoi Plaza.
Village Café and Resto at Grand Lagoi Hotel
Bar7 Rooftop Bar & Grill - Indoor
Bar7 Rooftop Bar & Grill - Outdoor
Meeting Room 
Grand Lagoi Hotel provides 3 three meeting rooms or function rooms that can be rented for events and activities. The first is the Diamond room is the largest space that can be used up to 160 people. Ruby Room which can accommodate up to 64 people, then the last one is the Opal Room can accommodate up to 80 people. 
Diamond Meeting Room

Grand Lagoi Hotel by Nirwana Gardens
JL Gurindam 12 Plot 27 & 29 Sebong Lagoi, Pulau Bintan 29155
Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Singapore Sales & Marketing Office
Harbourfront Tower 2, Singapore 099254
Phone (65) 6213 5830 Fax (65) 6291 1343
Email : sales@nirwanagardens.com.sg

Indonesia Sales Office
JL. Permata Hijau Raya Bok A No. 02, Kelurahan Grogol
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Phone (62) 21 2512 129 Fax (62) 21 2512 130
Email : iso@nirwanagardens.com


Berburu Likes Instagram di 5 Destinasi Wisata Pangandaran

March 06, 2018 Hijab Traveller 47 Comments

Teknologi yang semakin berkembang pesat dibarengi dengan munculnya media social membuat informasi dapat disebar dan diperoleh dengan amat mudah. Akan tetapi, penggunaannya terkadang masih jauh dari kata tepat sasaran, terlebih di usia anak-anak dan membuat informasi palsu menyebar kian cepat.
Hasil gambar untuk pepedan hills
(sumber : lyceum.id)
Seharusnya, media sosial seperti Instagram digunakan untuk mengunggah konten-konten positif dan menarik, seperti misalnya foto-foto wisata. Di Pangandaran, ada 5 destinasi wisata menarik yang akan membuat akun Instagram kamu banjir likes, yaitu:

1. Pepedan Hills
Berada di Desa Selasari, Kecamatan Parigi, Pepedan Hills adalah destinasi menarik pertama yang patut kamu abadikan keindahannya. Destinasi wisata alam Pangandaran ini memang sedang ramai dikunjungi, karena keindahan yang ditawarkan. Dari atas Gua Nyiuran, kamu bisa duduk beralaskan susunan bambu sembari menikmati hijaunya pepohonan dari kejauhan. Langit pun terasa semakin dekat dengan ujung tangan.

Tak hanya bersantai dan berfoto, kamu juga bisa melakukan berbagai aktivitas menarik lainnya, seperti hiking, outbond, menyusuri sungai, hingga berkemah. Saat berkunjung ke sini, jangan sampai lupa mencicipi lezatnya nasi liwet kampung, salah satu kuliner khas Desa Selasari.

2. Pantai Madasari
Destinasi berikutnya adalah Pantai Madasari yang berada di Desa Masawah, Kecamatan Cimerak. Oleh masyarakat setempat, pantai yang terletak di ujung selatan Provinsi Jawa Barat ini disebut dengan nama Bulak Benda. Tak hanya pada jernihnya air dan pemandangan bawah lautnya, adanya tebing besar di tengah lautan menjadi eksotisme tersendiri yang akan membuat kamu tak berhenti berdecak. kagum.

Suasananya yang asri akan membuat kamu betah berlama-lama mengabadikan indahnya Pantai Madasari. Di sekelilingnya, berjajar enam pulau kecil yang semakin menyempurnakan keindahan pantai ini.

3. Pantai Lembah Putri
Pantai Lembah Putri berlokasi di Desa Putrapinggan, Kecamatan Kalipucang. Keindahan pantai ini terhalangi oleh perbukitan, sehingga masih jarang terekspos. Meskipun demikian, kamu tak akan pernah menyesal pernah berkunjung ke pantai ini.

Pemandangan alamnya begitu memukau meskipun disaksikan dari atas bukit. Gelungan ombak pada birunya air membuat mata terkesima. Saat berkunjung ke pantai ini, sempatkan untuk mencoba beberapa aktivitas menarik yang ditawarkan, seperti gantole atau memancing. Kamu juga bisa mendirikan tenda dan bermalam di tempat ini jika belum puas mengabadikan keindahannya.

4. Pantai Batu Karas
Destinasi wisata selanjutnya yang patut kamu abadikan adalah Pantai Batu Karas. Pantai cantik ini berlokasi di Desa Batukaras, Kecamatan Cijulang. Arus air yang tenang dan ombak yang tidak terlalu tinggi membuat pantai ini cocok untuk destinasi wisata keluarga. Momen terbaik yang bisa kamu ambil adalah saat matahari terbenam. Warna oranye yang ditampilkan akan sangat menyatu dengan warna cokelat tebing yang menjulang di tengah lautan.

5. Pantai Karang Tamaga
Pantai Karang Tamaga berlokasi di Desa Masawah, Cimerak. Pantai ini juga menjadi salah satu destinasi terbaik bagi kamu yang ingin mengabadikan momen matahari terbenam. Sembari berfoto, kamu akan ditemani suara deru ombak yang menghantam tepian pantai. Suaranya begitu menenangkan, cocok untuk kamu yang ingin jauh dari kebisingan kota.

Tentunya, kamu butuh waktu lebih dari satu hari jika ingin mengunjungi semua destinasi wisata hits yang ada di sini. Oleh karena itu, sebelum memulai liburan, sebaiknya kamu mencari hotel murah di Pangandaran terlebih dahulu. Ada banyak pilihan akomodasi murah di Pangandaran, seperti misalnya Airy Rooms.
Di setiap kamar, kamu akan diberikan fasilitas lengkap dan berkelas, mulai dari televisi, AC, hingga akses internet gratis. Kamar mandinya pun didukung dengan fasilitas yang menunjang kenyamanan. Segera pesan kamar pilihan melalui aplikasi atau www.airyrooms.com dan tuntaskan transaksi dengan transfer antar bank. Mudah dan praktis, bukan?